Prof. Asistent. Dr. Tomor Çela

Posedon 14 vjet përvojë në mësimdhënie, konsulencë dhe hulumtim në fushën e sistemeve të informimit gjeografik. Përvoja përfshin mësimdhënien dhe hulumtimin mirëpo edhe angazhimin pranë sektorit privat dhe organizatave joqeveritare.

Arritjet e përzgjedhura
- 14 vjet ekspertizë në GIZ dhe analizë të të dhënave
- 5 vjet përvojë në hulumtim
- 5 vjet përvojë në menaxhim ekzekutiv për Ministrinë e Mjedisit dhe Planifikimit Hapësinor.


Dana, H., Çela, T., Krasniqi, A., Cenaj, V. (2021). “Economic and tourist effects of external migration in Kosovo“, Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, Vol. 12(2), pp. 567–577

Krasniqi, A., Dana, H., Çela, T. (2020).” Reasons and benefits of seasonal migrations in the villages of Rugova, Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, Vol. 11(7), pp. 1806–1812

Çela, T., Ramadani, I. (2019). Construction coefficient in the settlements of Gllogoc Municipality (Republic of Kosova), Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series 43(1), pp. 57–70

Ramadani, I., Çela, T. (2018).  Traffic infrastructure as an impulsive factor for development of tourism in Kosovo
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, 2018, 9(8), pp. 1670–1678

Çela, T. (2016). Factual cartographic contribution on marking of the border between the republic of Kosovo and Montenegro International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM, 3, pp. 1–8


Dana, H., Cela, T., Retkoceri, D. (2022). The significance and effects of expropriation in Kosovo, case study stražė-ivajė road, Annual Conference UBT, 30-31 October

Dana, H., and Cela, T. (2021).,"Economic and tourist effects of external migration in Kosovo", Annual Conference UBT, 30-31 October

Dana, H., and Cela, T. (2021).,"THE REGIONAL DIVISION OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOSOVO, Annual Conference UBT, 30-31 October

Cela, T. and Dana, H. “Infrastructure of Spatial Data in the Republic of Kosovo”, UBT Annual Conference, 30-31 October 2019, Prishtina Kosovo

Cela, T. and Dana, H. The economic effects of external migration on the municipality of Dragash, International conference on business, technology and innovation –UBT, Prishtinë, 26-28 tetor, 2018.

Cela, T. and Dana, H. "Causes and effects of external migration in the municipality of Dragashita", University of Tirana - FACULTY OF HISTORY AND PHILOLOGY - DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY, Tirana 24 May 2013

Cela, T. and Dana, H.  The characteristics and causes of emigration in Opoja, International Conference on spatial data infrastructures and spatial information management 2013. (Geo-see, SDI & SIM dhe FIG), Shkup 13-16 nëntor 2013


Cela, T (2020). Zërat për vendbanimet e komunës së Gllogocit, Academy of Sciences and Arts of Kosovo. Volume III

Cela, T (2019). Zërat për vendbanimet e komunës së Gllogocit, Academy of Sciences and Arts of Kosovo. Volume II, Dukagjini Publishing

Cela, T (2018). Zëri    I Madh    për vendbanimin e Gllogocit, Academy of Sciences and Arts of Kosovo
Volume I, Dukagjini Publishing




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