Assist. Prof. Dr. Lumnije Thaçi

Assistant Professor Dr. Lumnije Thaçi, has fourteen years of experience in teaching, in the field of economy and finance.

Publicatons of Professor Thaçi are listed below:



Thaci, L. (2022). Bank Loans Types and Economic Growth – Literature Review”, European Journal of Economic and Business, EJES (2022);


Thaci, L. And Gerxhaliu, A. (2020). 4. ”Public Expenditure and Economic Growth in the Republic of Kosovo – Empirical Evidence”    European Journal of Economics, Law and Social Sciences (EJELS), ISSN 2520-0429 (online), ISSN 2519-1284 (print),, January, 2020, Vol. 4, No 1

 Thaci, L. Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth in the Republic of Kosovo – Empirical Evidence”, Aplied Science and Innovative Researche, ISSN 2474-4972 (Print) ISSN 2474-4980 (Online),
September 2018, Vol. 2, N0. 4.

Thaci, L. ”Tax Structure and Developing Countries”    European Journal of Economic and Business Studies, ISSN 2411-4073, EJES, ISBN 9781642553987,
March Apr. 2018, vol. 10, Nr. 1

Thaci, L. ”Impact of Remittances on Economic Development: The Case of Kosovo”    Academic Journal of Business, Administration, Law and Social Sciences, AJBALS, ISSN 2410-3918, November, 2017, vol. 3, No.

Thaci, L.  ”Interest Rate Risk and The Role of Interest Rate Management: The Case of Kosovo”.    Global Journal for Research Analysis,  issue-; ISSN 2277-8160;  Shtator 2015, Vol. 4

Thaci, L. “Banking System in the Central and Eastern European Countries”.    International Journal of Scientific Research, Issue:; ISSN 2277-8179    Tetor 2015
Vol: 4

Thaci, L.   “Liquidity Risk and Liquidity Management Role”    Chinese-USA Business Review, USA, ISSN 1537-1514, New York, USA; 
Tetor  2015

Thaci, L.  “ Economic Growth in Kosovo and in Other Countries in Terms of Globalization of World Economy”    Academicus International Scientific Journal , VIII, MMXIII; ISSN 2079-3715,, Vlorë, Albania     Tetor  2013

Thaci, L. The Role of Small and Medium Enterprises in Economic Development: The Case of Kosovo”    Academicus International Scientific Journal 5-2012, V, MMXII; ISSN 2079-3715,, Vlorë, Albania    2012

 Thaci, L. “Roli i Ndërmarrjeve të Vogla dhe të Mesme në Zhvillimin Ekonomik në Vendet e Zhvilluara dhe në Vendet në Tranzicion”    Magazine of Social Sciences, VIZIONE,Nr.17/2012, IADC;ISSN 1409-8962, UDC 316, 33, 32;    2012

Thaci, L.  “Roli i Bankës Qendrore të Evropës në Zhvillimin Ekonomik dhe Stabilitetin Financiar të Bashkësisë Evropiane”    Magazine of Social Sciences, VIZIONE, Nr. 13&14/2009-2010, IADC; ISSN 1409-8962, UDC 316, 33, 32,    2009

Thaci, L. “Benefits of the Incoming Foreign Banks of the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe”    ICRAE 2015 Conference – Proceeding, ISSN: 2308 – 0825, The 3nd Internacional Conference Research and Education – “Challenges Toward the Future” October, 2015.



Lumnije Thaçi, “Aspects of Risk Management in Commercial Banks”, Prishtinë 2015,     First International Scientific Conference, ISBN Publication: “Chaallenges of Modern Organizational Sciences and Management”, The thematic focus: Chances and opportunities for sustainable economic development in Southeast Europe, 19 September 2015.     2015

Lumnije Thaç,   “Roli i Bujqësisë në Zhvillimin Ekonomik: Bashkpunimi Ekonomik Shqipëri – Kosovë    3/ ACTA SCIENTIARUM, ISBN: 978-99956-39-53-2 Publikon: “Bashkimi nis nga ekonomia”,Tiranë 2012.

 Lumnije Thaçi, “Roli i Privatizimit në Rritjen e Ekonomisë, Biznesit dhe Punësimit në Republikën e Kosovës, Prishtinë 2011The Tenth Jubilee International Conference Business And Employment, ISBN 978-9951-567-01-5 Publication: “The Impact of the economic growth and innovation on business development, reduce unemployment and poverty in Kosova, in countries in transition and developing countries as well”, ( 6 and 7 October 2011 )    2011

Lumnije Thaçi,  “Pasojat  e Krizës Globale në Zvogëlimin e Investimeve të Jashtme në Kosovë”, Prishtinë 2010. The Ninth International Conference Bussiness And Employment, ( 7-8 October 2010 ), ISBN 978-9951-567-00-8 Publication: “ The Impact of global crisis on economy, business and employment in Kosova and in other countries in transition”    2011

Lumnije Thaçi,  “Ndikimi i Bankës Qendrore i Republikës së Kosovës në Stabilitetin Ekonomik Financiar në Kushtet e Ekonomisë së Tregut”.    The Eighth International Conference Bussiness And Employment ( 8-9 October 2009 ), ISBN 978-9951-8698-9-8 Publication: “The International Economic Cooperation Impact on business development and on the employment increase in Kosova and other transitional countries”    2009



Thaci, L. (2020). Aspekte të Menaxhimit të Afarizmit Bankar – Tregu i Kredidhënies si një ndër instrumentet e Sigurimit të një Rritjeje të Qëndrueshme Ekonomike në Kosovë.  University of Mitrovica


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